About Us
Кои сме ние
МАСТЕРСПОРТ – Марвес е фирма која се занимава со увоз и дистрибуција на велосипеди, фитнес и спортска опрема. Постоиме од 1996 година и успешно работиме дистрибуција на велосипеди, фитнес, спортска опрема и опрема за игри и забава.
Започнувајки од 2021 година МАСТЕРСПОРТ е овластен дистрибутер на STERN PINBALL, најголемиот и најстариот производител на аркадни игри во светот.
A Few Words About

The company traces its lineage to the early 1930’s and the founding of modern pinball. Sam Stern, the father of SPI’s Founder, Chairman and CEO, Gary Stern, was part-owner and President of pinball pioneer, Williams Electronics. Williams and other innovative companies including Bally and Gottlieb formed the foundation on which the pinball industry was built.

In 1947, Sam Stern visited pinball pioneer, Harry Williams, in Chicago

1950’S 60’S
During the 1950’s and 1960's, Williams and other pioneering Chicago companies introduced many new innovations to pinball including multi-player games, score reels and increasingly sophisticated playfield mechanisms and art packages.

1970’S 80’S
The late ‘70s and early ‘80s saw the emergence of coin-operated video games. As the coin-op market evolved, other companies acquired many of the existing pinball companies. In 1986, after the death of his father, Gary Stern helped found Data East Pinball, which was then purchased by Sega and re-named Sega Pinball. Gary subsequently bought the business from Sega and renamed it Stern Pinball, Inc.

During the 1990's, pinball's popularity continued to grow and the industry experienced some of its best years. Stern Pinball and other Chicago-based producers, including Williams, Bally, Midway and Gottlieb, churned out some of pinball's most iconic titles.